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Logo for the SobigDataPPP Project

  • SoBigDataPPP Project Logo: pngsvg
  • SoBigDataPPP Logo Pack: includes black and white version and without text

Logo for the SobigData RI

  • SoBigData RI Logo: pngsvg
  • SoBigData RI Logo pack: includes black and white version, and without text


Font & Wording: the font used is in Rajdhani:
– Rajdhani Medium for the “SO”
– Rajdhani Semibold for the word “BIG”
– Rajdhani Bold for “DATA”
– Rajdhani Semibold for “RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE”

.SoBigData-color-theme-1-rgba { color: rgba(232, 57, 71, 1); } 
.SoBigData-color-theme-2-rgba { color: rgba(39, 53, 128, 1); } 
.SoBigData-color-theme-3-rgba { color: rgba(193, 193, 193, 1); }
.SoBigData-color-theme-4-rgba { color: rgba(152, 152, 152, 1); }
.SoBigData-color-theme-5-rgba { color: rgba(107, 107, 107, 1); }

Brand identity manual: link

This work is supported by the European Union under the scheme HORIZON-INFRA-2021-DEV-02-01 – Preparatory phase of new ESFRI research infrastructure projects, Grant Agreement n.101079043, “SoBigData RI PPP: SoBigData RI Preparatory Phase Project”