SoBigData RI PPP – SoBigData Research Infrastructure Preparatory Phase Project
The SoBigData RI Preparation Phase Project (PPP) is the preparatory phase of the SoBigData RI in the ESFRI RoadMap 2021. The SoBigData RI PPP will advance the RI from simple awareness of ethical and legal challenges in social mining to the development of concrete tools that operationalize ethics with value-sensitive design, incorporating values and standards for privacy protection, fairness, transparency, and pluralism.
The main objectives of SoBigData RI PPP are to define operative strategies for:
- Modeling and definition of the ERIC legal entity, then acquiring legal status.
- Preparing the financial, legal aspects (for both central hub and national nodes).
- Producing and reviewing a Business Plan for long-term sustainability.
- Engineering, planning, and optimization of technical infrastructure.
- Defining strategies for services design, community involvement, and partnerships with third parties.
SoBigData RI is a distributed, Pan-European, multi-disciplinary research infrastructure that uses social mining and big data to understand the complexity of our contemporary, globally interconnected society. The RI is built on a common “digital laboratory” of agreed services and tools. All RI services converge towards this unified vision, featuring a central entry point where users can navigate the catalog and access the RI gateway. The gateway provides researchers and practitioners a collaborative environment, promoting responsible open science practices. SoBigData represents a solid and trusted base for a vast community of data scientists and researchers. Currently, the RI provides tools to define projects and comply with EU requirements. SoBigData brings together researchers and research organizations that are independent of commercial interests and provides tools for data access as well as ethical and legal assessment with the consultancy of experts in a multi-disciplinary framework